Neuco Crews Get the Job Done

Project Overview
Some days digging is more challenging than others. As Neuco crews progress through the replacement of the 60,587 feet of low-pressure, leak-prone gas pipeline with new HDPE intermediate-pressure gas pipelines in Portland, Maine, they often encounter unanticipated conditions underground.
Crews have to problem solve on site and be resourceful when unexpected obstructions are uncovered. This photo shows the old 8” cast iron low-pressure main line (in the foreground), the new 2” HDPE intermediate-pressure main line, a branch service line, and a few obstructions to overcome.
On this particular job, digging required an extra piece of equipment to safely navigate over a water main and then under a concrete duct bank. The crew also had to deal with another branch service line feeding three other service line with a combined total of 18 meters between them.
Neuco’s customers trust the professionalism and dedication to quality work that enables crews to meet challenges like these in the field as they occur. The customer for this job was particularly impressed, saying, “This crew can certainly put in some pipe!”
No matter what’s under the surface, Neuco crews get the job done. That’s how Neuco earns their customers’ trust as a strategic partner for replacement work.